Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How do I plan on staying organized????

How will I stay organized??? How will I stay on track?? This is hard for me, I am easily distracted, and besides my in-going kinder-kid, I have my hands full with a 2 year old!!! What on earth am I going to do with him while I homeschool?? Cant just pretend he doesnt exist, and I cant turn the t.v. on for 4 hours.... what kind of mother would that make me? and how would that be fair to Katie?
1st off, I dont have a spare room to dedicate to homeschool, so a corner in our living room will have to do for now. So, my plan is to try and incorporate Jake into some of the education, Im sure I will figure it out easily!
My strategy plan??? I will use help from some amazing websites that help even the most unorganized person! If you dont already use the following site I am about to tell you about, go check them out now, and sign up! They will make your life so much easier!
#1, I cant, for the life of me, remember how I ever managed without my cozi calendar!!! They even have an app, with a running widget, that you can keep on ur phone screen all the time, to see what is planned next for your day! They have it all!! so, head on over to www.cozi.com, and check it out, it's free! What do you have to loose???
#2, flylady.net , fly lady (for free) will teach you how to stop living your life in CHAOS (Cant Have Anyone Over Syndrome) in just 30 days! She teaches you how to maintain routine, to keep up with your load of housework! As you read it, its so simple, you wonder how you never thought of this yourself before??? She also has TONS of stuff in her store you can purchase, to help you with all these daily tasks, and routines! But it's not necessary.

Now that you have read about these pretty nifty sites, go check them out! you will be glad you did!

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