Monday, July 25, 2011

NOW WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

So.... I made the decision to homeschool..... now what do I do??? How do I do this? How do I make sure I take care of all the legal "mumbo-jumbo" so one cold day in the winter, I dont get authorities knocking at my door asking why my child isnt in school...??? (okay, maybe that is a little dramatic.....but remember I already enrolled her in a public school, and over the sumer I changed my mind)
I went to google for some answers... By some miraculous chance, I was directed to "TLC" (or, The Learning Choice) TLC, is actually a PUBLIC SCHOOL, where I live in BEAUTIFUL, SUNNY, San Diego, CA! Again, like I said, out school system... isn't exactly top notch... but this "public school" is different, because it is also a CHARTER HOMESCHOOL!!! Which means, I get to homeschool MY way, and style, and THEY PAY FOR EVERYTHING!!! I will have what they call an "education partner" (or EP) , this EP is a credentialed teacher, who I will meet with approx. every 20 days or so (pretty much 1x/mo), the EP will will check my child's progress, help me with any question I might have, check work, attendance, etc....... the EP will also help me pick out the curriculum I want to use for Katie, and order it for me.... again... they PAY!
They have a few different programs to choose from...
Program #1, is a fully online program. For a kindergartner, I was not fully excited about this option. Yes I know my child will someday live in a world of computers, and technology, but I think at her young age, she needs to learn some things the traditional way 1st.... in othere words, FROM BOOKS!
Program #3, my child gets to go to the home base center 2 days a week, for more of a formal education on those days...
Program 3, the one I chose, is a traditional homeschool program, she will get to go to the center 1x / week for about 2 hours, for socialization with other homeschooled children her age, this option also includes 70 units for extra curricular activities/month... What does that mean???? Well, each unit is = to $1. So here I have $70.... I do not pay this. THEY PAY IT!!! They will pay up to $70 / mo for any "out of school" activity my daughter does.... i.e. her dance classes that cost me $100/mo..... they will pay $70 of it, so, those now only cost me $30..... now, if my daughter didnt do dance (and had no interest in sports or anything else), she could use those units to help pay for field trips.....

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